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Shenzhen UEB Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Shenzhen UEB Technology Co.,Ltd.(copyright)     粤ICP备17024458号-1

Guidelines for compliance

In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the rules and regulations of Huanjin Technology Co., Ltd., for the purpose of guaranteeing the legitimate rights and interests of the suppliers who have or will have good cooperative relations with Huanjin Technology Co., Ltd. , Is the Central Provident Information Technology Co., Ltd. on the provisions of the following suppliers:

First, enterprise suppliers

1, held by the People 's Republic of China industrial and commercial sector issued by the real, legitimate and effective business license and its corresponding legal seal, and to ensure that its in the Central Technology Co., Ltd. Registration information and business license exactly the same;

2, to submit the following relevant supporting documents and access to Central Technology Co., Ltd. approved: (1) a copy of a copy of business license; (2) stamped with corporate seal of the tax registration certificate;

3, the name of the legal seal of the enterprise supplier must be exactly the same as the name of the business license it provides;

4, enterprise suppliers to ensure that the late in the signing of the contract or document to fill the use of the legal seal is used;

5, with the completion of other ring gold Technology Co., Ltd. need to check the information.

Second, individual suppliers

1, held by the People 's Republic of China industrial and commercial sector issued by the real, legitimate and effective business license and its corresponding legal seal, and to ensure that its in the Central Technology Co., Ltd. Registration information and business license consistent;

2, to submit the following relevant documents and access to Central Technology Co., Ltd. approved: (1) a copy of the business license; (2) a copy of personal identity card;

3, the name of the official seal of the individual supplier must be exactly the same as the name of the business license it provides;

4, the individual supplier to ensure that the late in the document to fill the use of the legal seal is used;

5, if the individual supplier can provide proof of its legitimate business, but can not provide official seal, the need to provide a certificate and to ensure that the latter part of the cooperation in the signing of the contract or a huge amount of transaction documents stamped their own fingerprints;

6, with the completion of other ring gold Technology Co., Ltd. need to check the information.

Third, the document specification

(A) A-level suppliers:

1. Documents need to be stated "Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd."

2. To provide documents must have the name of the supplier, the document must have the content "name, quantity, unit price, amount", the name can not only write the number, write the number of need to pay attention to product categories and signature and seal, signed to sign Full name and can identify, such as the occurrence of freight, freight content can be reflected in the document, you can also provide a separate waybill. For example: the supplier name is small, in the documents only fill in "Zhang" or only fill in "small", does not meet the requirements;

3. The name of the supplier on the document shall be the same as the name of the supplier on the stamp, and the supplier shall provide proof and seal the inconsistency;

4. Documents can not be altered, need to keep the documents complete, clean;

5. First upload the attachment documents and post-paper version of the contents of both documents to be consistent;

6.OA system print out the delivery form, the need for a supplier signed stamped, self-employed can be stamped with fingerprints;

7. The relevant documents can be pasted, can be used paper clips, available bags installed in the purchase of reimbursement issued to the financial, and submitted to the corresponding UPP PON or PPL; PON or PPL fill in the back of the document, if the document for the copy paper, PON or PPL Attached to a sheet of white paper, the documents in the 10 need to paste the following submitted to the financial;

8. The total number of people need to write the amount of capital, capital letters need to be able to clearly identify, such as: the total amount of 10009, then fill in one thousand thousand zero hundred Jiu Jiu yuan, can not fill one thousand - thousand - Bai - For example, the capital of the "II" to write a "Pie", that is, typos, the same does not meet the requirements; the same time,

9. The seal described above may be the official seal, the financial chapter, the business chapter, the contract special seal, the seal name must be the same as the supplier;

10, the amount of payment and the amount of documents required, the amount of difference must be controlled within one corner.

(B) Class B suppliers:

1, the document needs to be stated "ring gold Technology Co., Ltd.";

2, to provide documents must have the name of the supplier, the document must have the content "name, quantity, unit price, amount", the name can not only write the number, write the number of need to pay attention to product categories and signature and seal, signed to sign Full name and can identify, such as the occurrence of freight, freight content can be reflected in the document, you can also provide a separate waybill. For example: the supplier name is small, in the documents only fill in "Zhang" or only fill in "small", does not meet the requirements;

3, the name of the supplier on the document to be sealed with the name of the supplier on the same, inconsistent need to provide proof and seal suppliers;

4, documents can not be altered, need to keep the documents complete, clean;

5, the first to upload the annex documents and later to provide the paper version of the contents of both to be consistent;

6, OA system print out the delivery form, the need for a supplier signed stamped, self-employed can be stamped with fingerprints;

7, the relevant documents can be pasted, available paper clips, available bags can be attached to the purchase of reimbursement issued to the financial, and submitted to the corresponding UPP PON or PPL, PON or PPL fill in the back of the document, the documents need to paste the following 10 After the submission to the financial;

8, the total number of people need to write the amount of capital, capital letters need to be able to clearly identify, such as: the total amount of 10009, you need to fill in one thousand thousand zero hundred dollars Jiu Jiu, not fill in one thousand - - Nine yuan, the middle of the zero can not be replaced by horizontal lines; For example: capital of the "three" is not written, written as "Senate", then do not meet the requirements; and then the capital, such as "II" , That is typos, the same does not meet the requirements;

9. The amount of the payment must be the same as the amount of the document, the amount of the difference must be controlled within one corner;

10. The seal described above may be the official seal, the financial chapter, the business chapter, the contract seal, the seal name must be the same as the supplier.

(C) Class C suppliers

1, the document needs to be stated "ring gold Technology Co., Ltd.";

2, to provide documents can not be the rise of suppliers, documents must have the content "name, quantity, price, amount", the name can not only write the number, write the number of need to pay attention to the product category and signature and seal, signed to sign Full name and can identify, such as the occurrence of freight, freight content can be reflected in the document, you can also provide a separate waybill;

3, if the supplier can not provide a seal, you can only sign confirmation;

4, the name of the supplier on the document must be consistent with the name of the supplier on the seal, if inconsistent can be different but can not have a conflict, for example: the name of the document on the Guangzhou A company, and the seal on the document name Shenzhen A company, Then this does not meet the requirements; if the document on the supplier name for the Guangzhou A company, the seal on the supplier name for the company A, then this is in line with the requirements;

5, documents can not be altered, need to keep the documents complete, clean;

6, first upload the annex documents and later to provide the paper version of the documents to be consistent;

7, OA system to print out the delivery form, the need to sign a supplier signed stamped, no official seal, you can only sign to confirm;

8, the relevant documents can be pasted, available paper clips can be installed with a bag attached to the purchase of claims submitted to the financial, and submitted UPP corresponding PON or PPL, PON or PPL fill in the back of the document, the documents need to paste the following 10 Good to submit to finance;

9, the amount of payment must be consistent with the amount of documents, or documents the amount is higher than the amount of payment.

(D) special matters

1, if the C-class suppliers to a certain amount of procurement to B-class supplier of the standard, then in accordance with the requirements of B-class suppliers to regulate, and the latter part of the cooperation to B-class suppliers to the requirements of the standard;

2, if the B-class supplier of a purchase to meet the A-level supplier of the standard, then in accordance with the requirements of A-level suppliers to regulate, and the latter part of the cooperation to A-class supplier standards. For example: Guangzhou Yiyi Co., Ltd. in November 2016 in Central China Science and Technology Co., Ltd. registered information for the C-class suppliers, December 1, 2016, Guangzhou, a one-time delivery of a one-time delivery of 20,000 yuan, then In the delivery day was promoted to B-class suppliers, and when the transaction needs Guangzhou-11 Co., Ltd. issued a B-class supplier of documents after the Central Golden Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and then to pay.

3, the supplier level by the Central Golden Science and Technology Co., Ltd. internal division, only for documents to fill in the reference, do not do other role. Suppliers should fill in the documents, should actively cooperate with the fill, and promised to provide the documents are valid and effective, there is no deception, concealment, fraud and other acts, otherwise, will be compensated by the resulting Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. all losses.

Fourth, other information

1, supplier information, if any changes, the need for timely updates and to the Central Science and Technology Co., Ltd. issued by the official seal of the written proof. If the information provided by the supplier is not legal, unreal, inaccurate, and not exhaustive, the supplier shall bear the corresponding liability and consequences arising from it, and the company reserves the right to terminate the use of the service by the supplier The

2, Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. commitment: non-statutory reasons or suppliers prior permission, Central Technology Co., Ltd. will not disclose to any third party supplier name, mobile phone number and other non-public information. Under the following statutory circumstances, the supplier's personal information will be partially or fully disclosed:

(1) by the supplier agreed to the supplier or other third party disclosure;

(2) to disclose to the third party as provided by the administrative, judicial or other law, in accordance with the relevant provisions of laws, regulations and other relevant regulations, or the administrative body in accordance with its statutory requirements;

(3) other ring gold Technology Co., Ltd. according to laws and regulations and other relevant provisions of the disclosure.

3, if the supplier requirements, Central China Science and Technology Co., Ltd. can provide a copy of its business license, a copy of the tax registration certificate and other documents for its access, but the supplier must ensure that Central China Science and Technology Co., Ltd. documents not allowed to disclose to the third , Otherwise the Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. caused by all the losses borne by the supplier.

4, Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. in the supplier and the nuclear price, order and other stages need to verify the supplier settlement receipt account information, the supplier should ensure that the content is true and correct, if the information provided by the supplier is wrong Resulting in the supplier can not settle the collection, the Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. does not assume any responsibility.

5, where the supplier relying on the platform and the Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. to reach a transaction, are regarded as suppliers know and agreed by the supplier or its entrusted service enterprises according to the law for the procurement of the subject of customs clearance and related procedures and bear the corresponding responsibility. In addition, the supplier also agreed to entrust the service companies designated by Huijin Technology Co., Ltd. to provide the logistics and distribution services (such as transportation, warehousing, customs clearance and so on) which are purchased in Mainland China. The corresponding service expenses will be paid directly from Central Company Limited Service enterprise payment.

Where the supplier relies on the platform and the Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. to reach a transaction, are regarded as the supplier agreed to specify the Central Golden Technology Co., Ltd. recommended domestic enterprises or institutions ("recipient") on behalf of the purchase of money; After completing the formalities, the purchase will be transferred to the supplier's payment account.

6, the final interpretation of this notice is owned by Central Technology Co., Ltd. all.